What Belonging Means to Me

GLSEN Northern Utah is excited to announce our first ever video contest!
Look over the rules below to get your creative juices flowing. There will be fabulous prizes (we’re keeping them a secret for now), and a Movie Night event in September where winners will be announced! We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

We want to hear from you! Record a short video (15-45 seconds) sharing with us ‘What Belonging Means to Me”.

Show us your creativity using dance, music, nature, poetry and more! All videos submitted will be judged and winners will be announced at our Back to School event in September. Make sure and tag us: #utahgsa #glsen #belongingmatterstome #whatbelongingmeanstome #glsenutah @glsenutah

How to submit your entry:

  1. For your video entry to be considered in the contest, you must fill out the contest submission form by Sept 15th at 5pm.
  2. To submit a video, fill out the form below and upload your video(s) by Sept 15th at 5pm.
  3. .  Your video will be uploaded to the GLSEN/UtahGSA website and Instagram and made accessible to the public.  
  4. Please share the video on your social media platforms using the hashtags #utahgsa #glsen #belongingmatterstome #whatbelongingmeanstome #glsenutah @glsenutah 

Entry Guidelines:

  1. General:
    1. Participation is only open to Utah residents.
    2. Students may enter as a team/group
    3. One video submission per person (if a team consists of 3 people, the team may submit up to 3 videos)
    4. Prizes will only be awarded to the person(s) listed in the application
    5. Complete video submission form below.
  2. Video Production:
    1. Videos must be between 15 and 45 seconds long
    2. Videos must be in a format acceptable to Instagram/TikTok/Youtube
    3. The video must be appropriate for all ages
    4. No commercial content please (music, video, animations)
    5. Videos must be developed by students for a broad student audience. No professional assistance may be used in the production of the video.
  3. Content:
    1. Must address the Contest Theme: “What Belonging Means to Me….” describing words, feelings or events that help you belong. 
    2. Must be in good taste and appropriate for all ages and audiences
    3. Must be original content authored, composed and performed by student(s) identified in the entry form as participants.
Submit your Video

Judging Criteria


  1. Did the video address the theme of the contest?
  2. Was the information clear and well expressed?


  1. Execution
  2. Idea
  3. Total products


  1. Was the message clearly stated?
  2. How engaging was the message?
  3. Is the viewer compelled?

Step 1: Media Release Form

If you are identifiably showing your or anyone else’s face, you are required to submit a Media Release Form. Anyone under 18 must have their parent/guardian’s permission and signature.

Please download, sign, and send back (a photo or scanned file is acceptable) to the following email address:

Download the Form

Step 2: Submit your video!

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.

Representations and Warranties:

By entering the GLSEN Northern Utah contest, you represent and warrant that the video entry complies with the Contest Rules and Entry Guidelines and that:

  1. At the time of entry or any time thereafter, your video entry does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party.
  2. You have complied with all relevant laws, rules, and regulations in the production of your video entry.
  3. Use of your contest video will non infringe any copyrights, rights of publicity or any other rights of any person, living or dead. The video and materials used are not subject to any prior agreements that would limit the scope of the permission granted to show the video.
  4. At the time of entry or any time thereafter, you video entry does not contravene any contractual, legal or other obligation.
  5. You own or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to reproduce, distribute, and publicly perform works of authorship or other content including music, and images or likeness of any person, contained in your video entry, and you have the right under all patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights to grant GLSEN Northern Utah the licenses described in section 3 above.